Tuesday, July 2, 2019

A Letter to the Hilo Herald Tribune

2 July 2019

I'm writing in regard to the opioid crisis and its effects on our medical system. My wife was diagnosed last July with cancer and underwent radiation and chemo-therapy. Subsequently, due to tissue damage from the radiation, she developed a fistula, an infection that went un-diagnosed for six weeks, was nearly fatal and has left her in excruciating pain for three months now. It is acknowledged to be one of the most painful conditions known to medicine. Yet, due to hysterical and irrational pressure on doctors from insurance companies and government we have had a terrible time trying to get effective pain medication.

Opiate drugs have been around for thousands of years. Every educated adult is aware of their drawbacks and yet still there are no more effective medicines for the worst kind of pain. Now, due to opiate hysteria, responsible adults with cancer are treated like drug fiends out trolling the streets for a fix . We are in the ludicrous position of highly trained doctors being dictated to by ignorant bureaucrats what pain medication they can prescribe, and how much.

If we can't trust doctors to administer medication who can we trust. ignorant bureaucrats with nothing better to do to justify their parasitical salaries? This is all just more evidence, if any was needed, that America under Donald Trump is descending into previously undreamed of depths of corruption, stupidity and evil. All of this must end, all of it, or it will be the end of us all.

Brent Hightower

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Letter to the Editor

Below is my December 29th letter in the Hilo Herald Tribune. I'm restoring my original title, which I liked better than the one they added. The letter reflects my frustration with the often ineffectual nature of our supposedly progressive representatives. I suppose we should feel lucky that at least they aren't actively undermining America, as do that party of patriots, the Republicans. But still, I can't say I see progress where it isn't! The letter is below.

Rudderman Fiddles While Big Island Gets Burned

Has America gone completely mad?
Looking at a few recent papers at my councilor’s office the other day, trying to stave off the stress of a meltdown of the world, I read two Tribune-Herald articles simultaneously.

One was about another enormous, unjustified increase in Matson shipping rates and even higher HELCO rates, among other outrages, further burdening already overburdened Big Islanders in the interests of, as usual, the overprivileged. And as the Big Island gets fleeced yet again, like a Third World colony, what is Sen. Russell Ruderman up to? He crafted a bill to chastise service dogs! Seriously, that’s what he’s spending his time on.

With all the terrible problems facing this island, and worse problems nationally, what is our homegrown “progressive” senator up to? He’s hot on the case, making sure that the blind and handicapped aren’t trying to get away with something during the holidays! “The nation may be getting milked dry by corruption and the meltdown of education and infrastructure, but, dammit, it’s those damned service dogs that are the problem. They really need to be reigned in! Forget the high crimes and treason in high public office and the attempted overthrow of democracy by vested interests, as well as our more serious problems. The real problem is those pernicious service dogs!”

For God’s sake, can we get some leaders who can at least see where the problems are, even if they’re too scared to do anything about them? This is just embarrassing!

Harley Brent Hightower
Copyright 2018 Brent Hightower