Friday, October 30, 2020

A Loveless House

From my recent collection of poems, A Loveless House and Other Poems:

A loveless house is filled with ghosts,
Of what might have been, and what will never be;
Some vital force is absent here, withdrawn into itself,
Retreating into empty corners, and lurid shadows.
This slanting sun, this pale evening light,
Cannot dispel the all-pervasive darkness.
Here, where life begins, and also where it ends.

Outside I hear children, distant laughter,
Voices that echo through the closing year.
Yet now there are no children here -
But just this litany, this faint murmuring
From long ago, passing through cracks in time -
These children, for fifty years forgotten here,
In this house, still waiting for their mother.

There are no ghosts in joyous houses,
No brooding reflections of bygone days,
Nor heavy shadows like these beside the bed,
Falling more darkly now than even memory.
Where love has been the spirit needn’t linger.
A loveless house is filled with ghosts,
Regrets resounding through eternity.

Brent Hightower
Copyright 2020 Brent Hightower

Monday, October 26, 2020

On Human Dissociation

One very interesting thing about the internet is that you get to see a profound aspect of human behavior in action. Often, people who are not in many ways stupid, simply cannot be made to consider questions in the light of (even very simplistic) reason! We see this literally all the time, and I believe it is a kind of mental dissociation. I also believe that it may be THE PROBLEM!

Clearly a lot of people dissociate when confronted with facts that don't fit their pre-conditioned pre-conceptions, and when you think about the full ramifications of this it could well explain the entire mess we are in as human beings.

I believe that this is the case, and I've been trying to communicate it for years. (But when I do, I find that people generally dissociate!) Their eyes glaze over. They just won't go there.

Nevertheless, when one thinks about it this just explains so much in terms of why so many people cannot be brought to reason! I believe our psyches (that is to say most of us) are fractured through the trauma of what we optimistically call socialization. When you look at the way (particularly boys) are socialized, it is clearly a process designed either consciously or subconsciously, and I believe the latter, to break their psyches - to separate them from their more empathetic, creative, and intuitive selves - to break them, to render them un-whole. And there are strong reasons for this embedded in Darwinian survival.

Our almost universally accepted patterns of socialization in modern society are actually very primitive, rooted in survival of the fittest, and they are traumatizing. This is the proverbial elephant in the living room. It is simply amazing that we have evolved to both participate in this process, and at the same time blind ourselves to its paramount importance, generally speaking even to its very existence. This is mass dissociation. Though we may see the terrible results, in situations such as those at Columbine, we stil block out their meaning and implications.

We are acting-out ancient patterns of behavior that have become largely instinctive. So to many, reason and critical thinking are a direct challenge to both their instinctual and conditioned behavior - in short to their entire understanding and means of dealing with the world. Is it any wonder then that they react violently and fearfully when challenged to change?

Aside from all the unnecessary cruelty and suffering this process produces, these ancient behaviors (exemplified most clearly by what is allowed or even condoned to go on, on our playgrounds) aren't up to the challenge of producing people sufficiently evolved to handle modern technological society.

The great struggle we now see taking place isn't one of the left-wing against the right-wing. It can be seen more clearly as growing pains - as our struggle to rise to the occasion where advanced society is concerned - of whether we can evolve into the role that our tremendous technological capability demands we evolve to fill.

Whether it was a good idea to promote technology to the point that only an advanced consciousness can wield it is an open question. But our future (if we are have one) will be determined by whether (as many people see, or can can sense) we are able to rapidly evolve in our essential beings. That cannot be done unless we examine this hidden question of our socialization. Our future must be determined by a renewed understanding of what Socrates told us us 2,500 years ago. "Know thyself!"

Every major forward thrust in Western civilization and thought has been derived from a renewed examination of the remarkable realizations of the ancient Greeks, and we have gone too far to turn back now. It was Socratic realization of the supreme importance of self-knowledge that lay at the heart of Greek understanding, and of those subsequent advances in civilization. In our era, if we are so inclined we could travel farther, faster down this road of self-understanding, due to advances in modern science. Yet it is self-knowledge itself, not science or technology severed from it, that is our only means to salvation.

A growing understanding of the ways our primitive patterns of socialization are preventing us from entering our own as a species truly capable of stewarding life on earth, is the first step on that journey. In this new, conflicted era, we must strive in every way to understand, with all possible honesty and objectivity, what we are as human beings in all our complexity - in order to avoid a self-fulfilling prophesy of destruction.

Brent Hightower
Copyright 2020 Brent Hightower

Friday, October 23, 2020

Mental Restorations Foundation

This is a rare post unrelated to writing. Rather, it is a personal appeal:

We are all experiencing stress in this time of COVID, but the people charged with helping us, and protecting us - our veterans, first responders, health care professionals, and others – are now coping with truly harrowing circumstances. The suicide rate and the rate of mental crisis in these professions has risen to staggering proportions.

But there are now people in our communities rising to the occasion to help.

One such organization is being formed here on the Island of Hawaii. It’s called Mental Restorations Foundation, and it was founded recently by Micah Gauthier. Mental Restorations Foundation provides community and peer-support for those in crisis, through shared outdoor activities. These activities will include deep sea fishing, scuba diving, farming and more - as well as a supportive community of friends who can connect in person, and on the web, for both social interaction and peer-counseling.

Outdoor exercise and group interaction are among the most essential factors for the preservation of mental health. Other factors are a sense of purpose, a sense of being appreciated, and of having a recognized place in the community. MRF hopes to provide all these things where they are needed most, regardless of the individual’s economic circumstances. Will you help by becoming a member today?

Brent Hightower
Mental Restorations Foundation

Phone: 1(808) 315-5594

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Note on Reactivating this Blog

Having concluded to reactivate this blog, I thought I'd say a few words about the reason for it's existence. The computer age is changing writing in ways none of us yet fully understand; so writers are in the position that they must reinvent the wheel. When I started this blog I intended it to be a place for myself, and other writers, to publish ther work; but it evolved into a place where I create, and also get work before the public.

Most of the writing I'm publishing here is in one stage or another of creation. Very little of it is finished work, and this seems to me to be a strange way of approaching writing.

How, or why, I ended up with this format I don't know. It simply seemed the best way to stay engaged with the work, while connecting to the energy inherent in reaching an audience, that my writing had a dynamic purpose.

The work you're reading here is work in progress. I realize that that has drawbacks, but I believe it compensates for those drawbacks with energy, the dinamism of active creativity.


Monday, October 19, 2020

Repairing the Ship

Life is a wave, at sea;
It takes you places.
And you have to let go,
Believing, at your core
That it will take you
Where you must go.

To hope is not enough,
Nor even to dream.
We must allow ourselves
To be the water;
We must allow ourselves
To be the sea.

Brent Hightower
Copyright 2020 Brent Hightower

Sunday, October 18, 2020

This Gentle Wind

From when comes this eco, this signal of the past?
From these tapered rooms, with their quiet sorrows?
Or from the long drawn out, half-smiles
Of our ancestral hosts, mad in the halfcocked night?

You who judge me, who judge such wreakage,
How has your bright heart been butchered?
When has the gentle wind of such a night,
Breathed so sadly into your quiet rooms?

Brent Hightower
Copyright Brent Hightower

Thursday, October 15, 2020

This Time We Truly are "All In"

I was on the verge of closing this blog, but a sudden, major increase in hits has made me decide it might be worthwhile to retain it, rather than start afresh on another site. I'll have to see if I can actually work with the new format here on blogger, which seems far worse than the old one. So, in spite of the personal battering, the losses, the disillusionment, the berievement of recent times, here we go:

To those of you who've sat on the sidelines in previous elections – who’ve taken the benefits of democracy for granted -- yes you! I see you there, sitting in the corner!

Thus far you’ve avoided participation without having to feel any deep, personal regrets. Well, that won’t happen in this election, because this election is nothing less than a referendum on civilization itself.

If Trump wins, or if we allow him to be "installed," America will never be the same again. The liberty Americans take for granted is being challenged by this self-avowed would-be dictator and his cohorts, and those who sit out this election may very well be consigning their children to slavery.

Western civilization was founded upon the principles of the enlightenment, including a belief in the inalienable rights of mankind. These principles have been chipped away at incrementally, but doggedly, in America for forty years and their very survival is now at stake.

There is no law of nature that says we cannot be killed by civil strife, or enslaved by despots. Only a set of mutually accepted founding ideas have saved us from that fate, and have done so for well over two hundred years.

Perhaps we need to be reminded, after all these years of greater or lesser degrees of democracy, that dictatorship is a nightmare. I hope we won't be reminded the hard way.

The Enlightenment brought us out of the Dark Ages, and the decline we are presently seeing in America isn’t due to following those enlightened principals, but to our slow abandonment of them; and we already see the looming specter of those infamous scourges of darker times - famine, pestilence, and war.

We have seen the outline of their thinking, and it is nothing but the reestablishment of that ancient axis of oppression this nation was founded to oppose – that of dictatorial power, coercive religion and economic enslavement! Anyone who would chose such a path through the mere fault of being too apathetic to vote is inwardly a slave and will, no doubt, soon outwardly be one as well.

Brent Hightower
Copyright 2020 Brent Hightower

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Au Revoir, For Now

It's quite clear to me that the way Google has "fixed" blogger, their intention is to do away with the feature altogether. That would be typical corporate methodology, to attract people with "people friendly" services and then slowly do away with them!

I'm not certain now whether I'll create a new blog on Wordpress, or just devote myself to other work. I guess time will tell.

Thank you all very much for reading the hundreds of posts here, some of which later found there way into my books. It's been a pleasure.
