Thursday, October 15, 2020

This Time We Truly are "All In"

I was on the verge of closing this blog, but a sudden, major increase in hits has made me decide it might be worthwhile to retain it, rather than start afresh on another site. I'll have to see if I can actually work with the new format here on blogger, which seems far worse than the old one. So, in spite of the personal battering, the losses, the disillusionment, the berievement of recent times, here we go:

To those of you who've sat on the sidelines in previous elections – who’ve taken the benefits of democracy for granted -- yes you! I see you there, sitting in the corner!

Thus far you’ve avoided participation without having to feel any deep, personal regrets. Well, that won’t happen in this election, because this election is nothing less than a referendum on civilization itself.

If Trump wins, or if we allow him to be "installed," America will never be the same again. The liberty Americans take for granted is being challenged by this self-avowed would-be dictator and his cohorts, and those who sit out this election may very well be consigning their children to slavery.

Western civilization was founded upon the principles of the enlightenment, including a belief in the inalienable rights of mankind. These principles have been chipped away at incrementally, but doggedly, in America for forty years and their very survival is now at stake.

There is no law of nature that says we cannot be killed by civil strife, or enslaved by despots. Only a set of mutually accepted founding ideas have saved us from that fate, and have done so for well over two hundred years.

Perhaps we need to be reminded, after all these years of greater or lesser degrees of democracy, that dictatorship is a nightmare. I hope we won't be reminded the hard way.

The Enlightenment brought us out of the Dark Ages, and the decline we are presently seeing in America isn’t due to following those enlightened principals, but to our slow abandonment of them; and we already see the looming specter of those infamous scourges of darker times - famine, pestilence, and war.

We have seen the outline of their thinking, and it is nothing but the reestablishment of that ancient axis of oppression this nation was founded to oppose – that of dictatorial power, coercive religion and economic enslavement! Anyone who would chose such a path through the mere fault of being too apathetic to vote is inwardly a slave and will, no doubt, soon outwardly be one as well.

Brent Hightower
Copyright 2020 Brent Hightower

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