Al Frankin's resignation over charges of sexual misconduct, allegedly occurring decades ago, and never substantiated by anything but hearsay, represents yet another triumph for the forces intent on destroying American democracy. The things Frankin is accused of ("He tried to kiss me in 2006,") are things any sexually active American male could be brought down by as well. That is given time, and sufficient greasing of the memories and palms of accusers by vested interest.
There can be no no mistake, if allowed to stand this cynical maneuver to bring down one of the most articulate spokesmen for the American public represents the absolute end of representative government in America. When the party who's leaders blatantly practice sex abuse, and do so with public self-satisfaction, manage to bring down an opponent with Frankin's record of fairness and decency, through vague allegations of long past sexual misconduct, while remaining in office themselves, we have nothing to look forward to but the worst conceivable leadership in America's future.
Perhaps the most disturbing thing in all this is the cooperation in Frankin's demise of some in the establishment of the Democratic party, supposedly Frankin's own party. Some in the Senate (including my own Senator, Mazie Hirono), have allowed themselves to be tools of well known (yet rarely named in the media) forces behind a long standing effort to undermine democratic government. All I can say is I hope in the end allowing themselves to be such tools will spell the end of their own political careers as well. In the future I will oppose the corrupted Democratic establishment (who showed their true colors loud and clear by not supporting Frankin), at every opportunity.
Tragically, it's becoming clear we need to run candidates as honest as Bernie Sanders, and as Al Frankin was until he was purged from office, in the primaries against the Democratic establishment, in order to have reliable candidates against the Republican party.
Brent Hightower
Copyright 2008 Brent Hightower
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