Monday, November 2, 2020

02, November, 2020. A Personal Perspective

I got up again in the afternoon the day my wife had died in the morning, and I said to myself, “I wonder what the world looks like now that she's gone?” I looked out the window and it was overcast. The sun that had shown so brightly at dawn was then eclipsed by gray. The sunrise, that perfect red disk that had flamed out of a blue sea had vanished, overcome by the scudding mists of a threatening storm, and I said to myself, “I knew it would be worse when she was gone.”

I’ve never felt such strong feelings as in these last few months. Desperation, dark humor, wistfulness, rage, tragic absurdity, horror and a kind of awe, as each new day tolls the crooked bell of our cracking history.

This is a turning point in time, for me, for humanity, for life itself. It’s like the fall of the Roman Empire, or the start of the Second World War, only more momentous in its implications.

For myself, I've lost my wife, finished the books I’ve been working on for 20 years, suffered the worsening collapse of my health, all while Western Democracy hangs by the barest of threads, and earth’s ecosystems.

The collective beliefs that have held together civilization and sanity are fracturing, and every day the bell tolls louder the chiming of some omniscient, diabolic clock.

The lunatic on the corner predicting our doom is sane, while the passing masses bustling on their responsible ways, are mad as hatters!

No, there's never been a time like this in its sense of living out some outlandish prophesy! Pity all the living things on earth who, lacking any better savior, must look to us for their survival. Pity the unborn generations and what this moment means to them.

I have no clear vision of the future, just this view of an ever gathering storm. May God, or Justice, or Happenstance will that this storm will break! I am weary unto death of this dark vision, while somewhere inside against all reason still resides that vision of the dawn.

Brent Hightower
Copyright Brent Hightower

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